Wednesday 4 April 2012

So heres my belly at 10Weeks one day, Most people might not see any different than just a normal size belly, but the people that know see a big difference, i was size 4, size 0 in the usa, and all off the sudden out off no where, this belly came, ive always been small for my age, its just my build and im lucky, but i have no clothes bigger than and size 4, im not really sure if a belly should be growing at 10weeks? Even family and friends are shocked, keep joking about it being twins.. Im just telling myself ive eaten to much, I still dont even eat that much... Maybe im just gonna have a baby bump sooner because im small anyways? I walk around college just feeling fat, because under clothes it doesnt really look like a bump yet, just that ive put on weight...Not a nice look in my eyes, ive always had a fear off getting fat... But anyways the only thing that has been helping me stay in my old jeans are belly belt, its pretty good, but its not really work anymore... On the plus sizes i get to see my baby, or babies again on the 18th off this month! i cant wait, Yes i said babies everyone thinks its twins, even the midwife, But we shall see 14 days :)

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